Michael Parker

Michael Parker joined Liatrio as a DevOps Engineer, assisting with the development and presentation of Liatrio’s Kubernetes In The Enterprise Ignite Lab. Prior to joining Liatrio, Michael began his software engineering journey as a full stack developer. He gradually became more and more interested in improving his own developer experience by automating common, repetitive tasks. This interest evolved into a passion for DevOps, with a special interest in Kubernetes and Terraform. Since joining Liatrio, he has co-facilitated Liatrio’s Ignite Lab many times, both in-person and remotely. Behind the scenes, Michael helps maintain some of Liatrio’s internal infrastructure and works on a team that focuses on delivering new and innovative solutions for clients. Outside of work, Michael enjoys tinkering with his home lab, working on some open source projects, and spending time with his two cats.
Michael Parker

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