DevOps Enterprise Summit 2018 is taking place in Las Vegas from October 22-24. Speakers from diverse industries will discuss how they are building Dev...
The Liatrio team is led by technology veterans with expertise in applying results-driven, lean software development principles and change management m...
At Liatrio, the interviewing and hiring process isn’t fast, and DevOps hiring success doesn’t come easily. Not every candidate fits the bill, and that...
SonarQube continuous inspection is an open-source tool that provides extensive code quality analysis, shows code coverage by unit tests, and displays...
The goal for every version of a project is to have a test suite version that provides accurate feature coverage. However, software development has a c...
Microservices are much faster at starting and stopping than virtual machines, much easier to deploy and scale, and much more portable. They also isola...
In this tutorial, I’ll deploy a containerized java application with its mysql database. In this setup, you’ll be able to build and quickly redeploy th...
Today, achieving enterprise quality is an ongoing struggle. Various reasons for this struggle include a lack of engineering focus around quality and t...